They'll hit him for a bit then try and run off because of vipers corrosive skin passive (or whatever it's called).
Lane for a bit, then push mid into oblivion, which makes split pushing and playing techies a cakewalk.That and the bots don't have a clue how to fight viper. I've had a whole team of bots try to hunt be down and kill me as CM, all the while a friendly sniper was destroying them as he had been fed the whole game.And they always do the same thing. They constantly steal last hits from you, even when they are meant to be supporting you.They don't commit to team fights and let you die in a 5v1, then get stomped.The enemy team will focus you down no matter what. IMO the bot AI does need a bit of fixing. Dota 6 83 Ai Download Download Map Dota 6.90 Ai The following 46 basic synchronization hero from 6.83 to 6.88 (because the version update, so there will be no pre-update to turn back to modify), other heroes some changes to enhance and optimize the skills of not setting them upThe basis of life increased to 200, increased by 50 basis magicShort-range attack distance to 150AI maps (map with computer players / bots)AI = Again Idiots = Art InspectionsAluminum InjectionAlien InternetApplication InterferenceLink mediafire:– –. What do you think this version?NROSHA gadgets at temporarily ignore, get a whim, will be deleted.